We are interested in building applications that give users concise, local explanations of their behavior. In this document we discuss a language and programming environment for building interactive graphical systems that are backed by a concrete data provenance structure. Using this data, we show that interesting live programming experiences can be built from simple queries.
Accepted to LIVE2017
Original version here
We tend to see program code and program behavior as two ends of a spectrum of abstraction. Programmers struggle to maintain a unified view as the program evolves.
Ideally, the abstract form of a program and its dynamics would inhabit the same "space", so that a viewer of any part could trace along related information. Partial descriptions of this space tend to adopt one of two orientations; since a programmer can only see so much at a time, we assume they are either looking at code or looking at output, and try to connect them from there:
We would like to address the gap between these techniques. In this paper, we consider the problem of generating and manipulating local program traces. Our programs are rule based and operate on a database, so these traces are localized at particular tuples and rules. We call a dynamic slice of a program responsible for a particular tuple its provenance.
We are developing a prototype programming environment, currently called anansi. It aspires to be a computational "story-telling" assistant: as it derives the consequences of a user's action, it constructs primitive provenance values that mirror each of its steps. Using a reflection mechanism, we make these values first-class within the programming environment. Users can query and manipulate them using the same language.
We hope that this line of thinking will help developers create applications that respect their users right to understand and modify the software they use.
The system is composed of a few layers:
In the following, we discuss how each layer contributes to our goal of making provenance easier to work with. We conclude by discussing some ongoing work.
We have chosen to implement a programming language inspired by Datalog (see for example: [Abiteboul, Vianu 1991]) . Datalog variants generally provide a simple programming mechanism by means of rules. A rule consists of a body, which is a database query, and a head, which when instantiated with variable bindings coming from a query match creates new tuples:
factorial acc n, n > 0 => factorial (acc * n) (n - 1)
adjacent r s, path s t => path r t
The head may contain zero or more clauses, and is written on the right. A tuple created by a rule has a simple causal relationship with the tuples bound by the query. In terms of the standard relational operations natural join, project, select, we have:
In our language, all program values are immutable labeled tuples. For example:
adjacent L1 L2
path s t
visible s
background-color element "#555"
cons l head tail
In each, the label is written first, followed by the tuple's arguments. A tuple pattern occuring in a program may refer to variables; otherwise arguments will be literal values, which may be strings, integers, or unique identifiers, also called nodes. We sometimes write relations along with their arity, for instance cons/3
, as in Prolog.
A program operates on a database, which is a time-varying multiset of tuples. Tuples are optionally annotated with a value, used to support a sort of logic programming, described later. In a style similar to [Granger et al.] programs are evaluated bottom-up against the database. This means that all input and output is mediated through tuples, and given a new input, we incrementally compute matching rule bodies and apply their corresponding updates until no further consequences are derivable.
We plan to better explain our reasons for choosing a relational language later. In particular, we would like to relate it to the slicing approach based on adjunctions described in [Perera et al. 2012]. The approach is partially inspired by work in the database community [Green et al. 2007][Buneman et al. 2001]. Also, since provenance indirectly refers to all intermediate state, the global, flat nature of a database is natural.
The use of tuples gives a fine-grained notion of data locality. Computing by means of rules means that each tuple has a simple immediate cause, and that these immediate causes link together to form a directed graph. Graphs are easily represented as sets of tuples, so with the right machinery, our rule based language will serve us in analyzing provenance. We discuss this further in the section on reflection.
The datatypes used internally for our immediate cause relationship are given in the appendix.
We have tried to avoid novelty in the language design. It extends traditional datalog with the following features:
We explain each one by stepping through this small program:
1: => text-node i "maker", parent i "log", maker i, class i "button"
2: click 'left i, maker i => make-button
3: make-button => text-node i "click", parent i "log", button i
4: button i => class i "button", off i
5: click 'left i, button i => toggle i
6: ..toggle i, ..off i => on i
7: ..toggle i, ..on i => off i
8: on i ~> background-color i "#555"
1: => text-node i "maker", parent i "log", maker i, class i "button"
The first line is a rule with empty body; such rules run once at program start. It creates several tuples defining a button: the text-node
, parent
, and class
relations are part of a JavaScript API (described later).
The unbound variable i
is assigned a fresh value, guaranteed to be distinct from all other values in the current database. This language feature is like a lightweight object system; many tuples can be "hung together" on the same identity, and "message sends" can be accomplished with rules such as
msg m i, object i, ... => handle i m.
The elided query does any necessary validation. Afterward, any rule matching handle/2
may respond.
2: click 'left i, maker i => make-button
3: make-button => text-node i "click", parent i "log", button i
4: button i => class i "button", off i
The second line is an input handler. The relation click button element
registers clicks on a given DOM element. The database is a multiset, so each click
tuple, even when applied several times to the same element, registers a distinct event. The handler creates a button element, which is subject to additional rules.
5: click 'left i, button i => toggle i
6: ..toggle i, ..off i => on i
7: ..toggle i, ..on i => off i
The clauses above marked with ..
in lines (6)
and (7)
delete the corresponding tuple when their match is successful. The tuple cannot participate in any later match. The current interpreter evaluates an iterated fixed-point: rules are totally ordered, and a rule is not considered by the matcher until all earlier (higher precedence) rules have finished evaluating. Thus the two rules above matching toggle
do not enter an infinite loop, because the toggle
event is consumed. The strict evaluation order prevents conflicts between rules.
This feature can easily express small, local state machines; using it at a larger scale probably brings along all the dangers of mutability.
It can also be used to write programs in the style of graph rewriting.
Traditional logic programming systems focus on evaluating queries with respect to a particular database. We need to support interaction with a user who incrementally changes the database over time, which leads to a problem: a rule set such as
adjacent a b => path a b
adjacent a b, path b c => path a c
unambiguously computes a transitive closure for the adjacent
relation, but what should it do if this relation changes during execution? Do its path tuples remain valid, or do we recompute them, as in a materialized view?
8: on i ~> background-color i "#555"
We choose to provide both behaviors. The squiggly ~>
arrow above is our notation for the dynamically updated variant. Each view rule maintains an index of prior matches, and if any match's assumptions are invalidated, its implication is likewise invalidated. We call these matches proofs. Event rules written with =>
do not update their prior results.
The final rule above implements the background-color
relation for this program, coloring a button only when it is on
. By default, DOM elements have transparent background.
Maintaining dynamic properties of objects over time was found to be very tedious without the view notion just described. In most practical cases, the relevant property was found to be boolean. For instance, when implementing the rules of Go, one needs to know if two stones are connected by a path of other stones. The number of paths between them is irrelevant; they are either connected or not.
Thus we implemented a notion of reduction: if a single tuple defined by a ~>
rule has multiple proofs, they are combined into a single proof, and only one tuple is visible to the system. We call these logical rules. We also support negation in rule bodies for logical tuples, and are working on an incremental, bottom-up version of the well-founded semantics.
We are experimenting with certain other reduction operations:
: sums over a relation whose tuples have associated numeric values.(push)
: a max-heap abstraction, which merges key-value pairs and allows queries to view the single value associated with largest key.Programs have a simple structure: an ordered list of rules. Thus it is easy to localize changes to a program, and the immediate cause of an output tuple need only refer to one rule or reduction operation. Logical rules give a way to fold together equivalent proofs for relations that are like properties, and =>
rules support relations that are more like events.
Since a provenance record stores the rule that was matched, we want our rule code to be easily manipulated as data. Each rule has a simple syntax: a body and a head, each of which is an unordered collection of tuple clauses or constraints. They are amenable to reflection: representation as tuples.
See the language reference for more detailed information.
To help a user understand the effects of programs, we need the ability to write programs that operate simultaneously on programs and their execution traces. To approach this problem, we have augmented our interpreter with a reflection mechanism. This mechanism translates a database along with its provenance terms and rules into a secondary database with a fixed schema. This allows us to write higher order programs that operate over computation histories of others.
This demo makes use of a small program for exploring provenance of graphical elements. First, I show how to summon the rule that created a visual element and explore related objects. Second, I change a value indirectly associated with it by querying the application database.
(listen for more detailed explanation)
The GUI system is crude. It has two pieces:
Note that all screenshots and videos shown here are taken from running anansi programs.
The API has two sides: messages coming to the client, requesting DOM changes, and messages coming from the client, representing external input events.
The DOM changing side has enough messages to create text nodes, a few svg elements, parent relationships, and various style changes. To deal with the non-deterministic ordering of messages flowing out of the server, a simple pattern matcher stores messages until they can be processed in the proper order. New messages types can be easily added.
Each element created in this way has input handlers attached that simply instantiate the arguments of some tuple and forward it to the server over a websocket connection. The input handlers are aware of a unique identifier attached to each element, which allows other tuples to refer to it. Within the database, the IO tuple has no special status, and participates in rules normally.
The server interprets a program. It consumes input events, one at a time, and iterates any applicable rules until fixpoint. It outputs DOM tuples, to be handled by the client.
The appendix shows a few other miscellaneous graphical examples:
We see the current system as a sort of "assembly language" for provenance experiments. We are not far off from a self-hosted REPL and programming environment. This will make programming more comfortable, but we also envision some higher level ways of building programs.
We are experimenting with UI inference: generation of a minimal external interface that allows interaction with a rule set. This problem has several steps:
Our go example exposes some of the difficulties. See ui/go for the additional rules we use to display a game and play. In order to generate a similar rule set automatically, some questions need to be answered:
tuples for the current player that target empty locations), how do we display them? An explicit listing is unnatural. How is the geometry of the Go board latent in the rules?With enough fresh names, any complex imperative program could be translated into a rule set, and its structure would be just as complex as the original. How do we scale up causality analysis to larger programs?
We want to find a way of contextualizing provenance. There should be no unique answer to why something happened: any particular answer can take into account the viewpoint of who is asking. When a program is chopped into small rules, we have a multitude of "viewpoints", each defined by some subset of the program's relations.
For instance, the "naive user" viewpoint considers only primary input/output relations visible. They see only the explicit visual actions built into the application, and they expect explanations in the grammar of the application. A "programmer" who has a code buffer open might also consider the messages sent by that fragment of code visible. They see more, and thus an explanation can be more refined.
A dynamic system should build its own model of what the user knows and specialize itself. The goal is not to obscure details from the user, but rather gradually reveal detail efficiently. We want to enable the construction of systems whose users are free to learn continuously.
The language is expressive enough for tasks related to compilation and static analysis. We plan to explore its suitability for general-purpose programming by developing a basic query-optimizer and compiler to eliminate the cost of joins where possible. A self-hosted compiler would have the benefit of producing explanations for its optimizations.
Our server can already handle multiple connections, and it sends updates to all clients over websockets. Real time collaboration is possible in theory, but a little work is needed to allow different users to have distinct views of the resulting system.
We hope to simplify the language further and produce a proof that the fixed point algorithm is well-behaved. We also hope to produce a usable termination checker and a variety of static checks as part of the web editor.
in haskell:
-- An instance of a match
data Provenance = Provenance
-- The rule of this match
{ rule_src :: RankedRule
-- The tuple that triggered this match instance
-- Nothing for rules with empty LHS, or external inputs
, tuple_src :: Maybe Tuple
-- Tuples matched by this match instance
, matched :: Dependency
-- Tuples removed from the world by this match instance
, consumed :: Consumed }
-- The output of a fold operation
| Reduction { reduction_op :: RedOp, reduced :: [Tuple] }
-- An external input
| Extern [Int]
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
in tuples:
cause p
rule r p
trigger t p
matched t p
consumed t p
extern p
id num p
reduction p
matched t p
This rule set defines a dom representation for any set of rules; shown is its self-portrait (CSS not included):
there is a bug in the rules... can you find it?